Frequently Asked Questions - American Leadership Academy | Tuition-Free PK-12 Charter Schools (2024)

Table of Contents
Starting a New School Will Tours of the Campus Be Offered? Is There a Chance That ALA Johnston Will Not Open for the 2022-2023 School Year? Courses and Classes When Are Students Able to Select Their Courses? Will the Courses My Student Took at a Previous School Be Accepted? When Will We Know Who My Child’s Teacher Is? School Schedules and Calendars When Will the School Be Finished? What Time Does the School Day Start and End? How Soon Will Students Be Able to Be on Campus in the Morning and When Do They Need to Be Off-Campus After School? When Is the First Day of School? What Type of School Calendar Is ALA Johnston On? Is There a Monthly/Yearly Calendar Available? Does ALA Johnston Have Before and After School Programs for Childcare? Do K-6 Students Switch Classes? Do Both Junior High and High School Students Switch Classes? School Facilities and Building Use Can Students Drive to School? Do Junior High and High School Students Share the Same Building? Will the Elementary Student Be With the Jh/Hs Students? Is ALA Johnston an Allergy-Free or Nut-Free School? Does ALA Johnston Have a School Nurse? Will Parents Be Allowed to Volunteer in the Classrooms? Does ALA Johnston Have a Cafeteria? Will the Students Have Access to a Microwave or Some Warming Device for Lunches From Home? Do You Have a Cafeteria and Is Lunch Available for Purchase? Is ALA Johnston a Closed Campus or an Open Campus? Will Students Be Able to Warm up Lunches They Bring From Home? Is the Elementary School Separate From the Junior High and High School? What Are the Class Sizes for ALA? Will There Be a Stoplight and Turn Lane Going Into the School off of Business 70? When Will an Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Be Added to the Campus? Extra-Curricular and Athletics Will ALA Johnston offer extracurricular activities to K-6 students? Is there a fee to participate in sports? New Panel Registration and Enrollment Process Will Ala Notify Our Previous School We Are Transferring to ALA Johnston? How Do I Apply for Admittance? When Will Parents and Students Have Access to the Student Handbook? What Should I Do if My Student Doesn’t Get in the Lottery? When Will I Find Out if My Child Is Accepted at ALA Johnston? Masks and Vaccines Will Students and Staff Be Required to Wear Masks and Be COVID Vaccinated? Transportation Is Transportation Available? Is There Busing and How Do I Get on the List? Uniforms and Dress Code Do ALA Johnston Students Wear Uniforms? When Will We Be Able to Buy Uniforms? What Is the Uniform for ALA Johnston? How Do Parents Purchase School Uniforms? Curriculum Does ALA Johnston Offer a Hybrid or Distance Learning Option? What Is ALA Johnston’s Instructional Model? What Curriculum Is Used at ALA Johnston? Are Specials/Electives Courses Offered? Is Homework Assigned at ALA Johnston? Is After-School Tutoring Offered? What Is ALA Johnston’s Grading Scale? How Are Grades Weighted at ALA Johnston? What High School Diploma Tracks Does ALA Johnston Offer? Are Career and College Promise (CCP) Courses Offered? When Is R.A.I.S.E. Leadership Taught? Will Students Have Access to Technology? Does ALA Johnston Offer an Academic Gifted Program? Does ALA Johnston Have an Intervention Program? Will ALA Johnston Offer 504 and IEP Accommodations? Will Students in K-6 Grades Have Recess Time? How Will ALA Johnston Communicate With Families? Will Students Take North Carolina State Assessments? What Percent of ALA Johnston Teachers Will Be Certified? FAQs References

Starting a New School

  • Will Tours of the Campus Be Offered?
  • Is There a Chance That ALA Johnston Will Not Open for the 2022-2023 School Year?

Will Tours of the Campus Be Offered?

We will begin tours of the campus once construction is completed. We are not able to be on the campus until we receive the letter of occupancy.

Is There a Chance That ALA Johnston Will Not Open for the 2022-2023 School Year?

We do not foresee this happening. Construction is ahead of schedule at this point. ALA Johnston has contracted with School House Development to build the school. They have built over 80 schools. School House Construction has been through this process before.

Courses and Classes

  • When Are Students Able to Select Their Courses?
  • Will the Courses My Student Took at a Previous School Be Accepted?
  • When Will We Know Who My Child’s Teacher Is?

When Are Students Able to Select Their Courses?

Currently, the Course Catalog is waiting for final revisions and approval. Once the Course Catalog has approval, the Course Catalog will be posted on the school website AND an email with the course selection process link and instructions will be sent to each 7-10 student. Update - The email for the 7th-10th students has gone out (2/23/22). In that email, there is a link to the form students will use to select their elective classes. Those courses need to be selected by 3/4/22.

Will the Courses My Student Took at a Previous School Be Accepted?

For the JH/HS students, starting Spring and early Summer, our Student Service department will be reviewing transcripts and placing students in needed classes, and finalizing schedules. Official transcripts will be needed to finalize course acceptance and complete the graduation plan.

When Will We Know Who My Child’s Teacher Is?

Scheduling will happen in late Spring and early Summer for student placement and class schedules. As the school starts getting closer, more information will follow about teachers, schedule, and schedule changes.

School Schedules and Calendars

  • When Will the School Be Finished?
  • What Time Does the School Day Start and End?
  • How Soon Will Students Be Able to Be on Campus in the Morning and When Do They Need to Be Off-Campus After School?
  • When Is the First Day of School?
  • What Type of School Calendar Is ALA Johnston On?
  • Is There a Monthly/Yearly Calendar Available?
  • Does ALA Johnston Have Before and After School Programs for Childcare?
  • Do K-6 Students Switch Classes?
  • Do Both Junior High and High School Students Switch Classes?

When Will the School Be Finished?

The school is projected to be finished a month before school starts. The building so far is on schedule and progress will be able to be seen on the school’s websites.

What Time Does the School Day Start and End?

The school day begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:00 pm. These times may be subject to change. A final schedule will be posted in the Spring.

How Soon Will Students Be Able to Be on Campus in the Morning and When Do They Need to Be Off-Campus After School?

Unsupervised students are not allowed on campus prior to 7:30 am or after 3:30 pm. There is a childcare program for those families who need to have students on campus different than these times. There are a few programs/activities that run before or after these times like sports and marching band that will be the exceptions.

When Is the First Day of School?

For the 2022-2023 school year, the first day of school is August 22, 2022. There will be several events happening on campus prior to this first day. More announcements to come about Patriot Days, Back to School Days, and Meet the Teachers Night.

What Type of School Calendar Is ALA Johnston On?

ALA Johnston is on a traditional school calendar.

Is There a Monthly/Yearly Calendar Available?

The monthly and yearly calendar will be available on the school’s website once it has Board approval.

Does ALA Johnston Have Before and After School Programs for Childcare?

Yes, ALA Johnston partners with Innovation Learning to provide before and after-school care. Registration and tuition information is forthcoming.

Do K-6 Students Switch Classes?

No, K-6 students do not switch classes except for Specials (PE, art, music, technology, leadership).

Do Both Junior High and High School Students Switch Classes?

Yes, both the junior high and high school students have 7 class periods a day that switch each period.

School Facilities and Building Use

  • Can Students Drive to School?
  • Do Junior High and High School Students Share the Same Building?
  • Will the Elementary Student Be With the Jh/Hs Students?
  • Is ALA Johnston an Allergy-Free or Nut-Free School?
  • Does ALA Johnston Have a School Nurse?
  • Will Parents Be Allowed to Volunteer in the Classrooms?
  • Does ALA Johnston Have a Cafeteria?
  • Will the Students Have Access to a Microwave or Some Warming Device for Lunches From Home?
  • Do You Have a Cafeteria and Is Lunch Available for Purchase?
  • Is ALA Johnston a Closed Campus or an Open Campus?
  • Will Students Be Able to Warm up Lunches They Bring From Home?
  • Is the Elementary School Separate From the Junior High and High School?
  • What Are the Class Sizes for ALA?
  • Will There Be a Stoplight and Turn Lane Going Into the School off of Business 70?
  • When Will an Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Be Added to the Campus?

Can Students Drive to School?

Yes, students can drive to school with proof of a driver’s license, the parking fee is paid, and a parent permission slip is signed.

Do Junior High and High School Students Share the Same Building?

Yes, 7-12 students share the same building but there is an attempt to separate them as best as possible with different lunches, assemblies, and by course subjects.

Will the Elementary Student Be With the Jh/Hs Students?

There are two separate buildings for the elementary and JH/HS students. There will only be a handful of times that the JH/HS student will be on the Elementary campus. The junior high and high school students are in the same building but in general, junior high students will be on one floor and high school students will be on another floor. The seventh and eighth-grade students will have the first lunch and the upper grades will eat at the second lunch.

Is ALA Johnston an Allergy-Free or Nut-Free School?

No, ALA Johnston is not an allergy or nut-free school. Food allergies must be reported to the Health Office. Students with severe allergies should complete an allergy action plan, which will be available at the Health Office.

Does ALA Johnston Have a School Nurse?

Yes, we have a school nurse (RN) and 1 or 2 health aides.

Will Parents Be Allowed to Volunteer in the Classrooms?

Yes, we encourage parents to be involved in the classrooms. The teachers will communicate with the families regarding opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. The administration will communicate opportunities to volunteer at events and activities.

Does ALA Johnston Have a Cafeteria?

Both the elementary and JH/HS buildings have full-size serving kitchens and a cafeteria.

Will the Students Have Access to a Microwave or Some Warming Device for Lunches From Home?

No, students should bring lunches from home that do not require warming.

Do You Have a Cafeteria and Is Lunch Available for Purchase?

Yes, students will eat lunch in the cafeteria with their peers. Lunch will be available for purchase. A lunch menu will be posted to the ALA Johnston website each month.

Is ALA Johnston a Closed Campus or an Open Campus?

Student safety is one of ALA Johnston’s top priorities and therefore ALA Johnston maintains a closed campus. Students are prohibited from leaving campus for any reason during school hours or during after-school activities unless excused or accompanied by the adult supervisor of that activity.

Will Students Be Able to Warm up Lunches They Bring From Home?

Students should bring lunches to school that do not require warming, we do not provide microwaves for student use.

Is the Elementary School Separate From the Junior High and High School?

The K-6 students are in a separate building than the 7-12 junior high and high school building. There will be some interaction between the grade levels at times, but everyday school life is separate.

What Are the Class Sizes for ALA?

Class size depends on grade levels and subjects. Lower grades will have fewer students and upper grades will have more students per class. At the JH/HS class size is determined by subjects. P.E will have more students than an AP class. Classes should average 25, 28, and 30 per class.

Will There Be a Stoplight and Turn Lane Going Into the School off of Business 70?

Yes, to help the traffic flow off of Business 70 and in and out of the school, there will be turn lanes and a stoplight.

When Will an Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Be Added to the Campus?

There will be an eleventh grade added in 2023-2024 and then a twelfth grade added in 2024-2025.

Extra-Curricular and Athletics

  • Will ALA Johnston offer extracurricular activities to K-6 students?
  • Is there a fee to participate in sports?
  • New Panel

Will ALA Johnston offer extracurricular activities to K-6 students?

Yes, a variety of extracurricular activities will be offered. Offerings will be based on staffing, student interest, and facility availability.

Is there a fee to participate in sports?

Yes, there is a fee to participate in the JH/HS sports. This fee goes toward association fees, referees’ fees, coaches’ stipends, and facility use fees. JH sports fees are less than HS fees due to a shorter season and transportation.

Yes, ALA Johnston is committed to developing championship Athletics and Fine Arts programs.


Cross Country
Track & Field

**Athletics offerings are subject to change based on staffing, student interest, and facility availability.

Fine Arts**


**Fine Arts offerings are subject to change based on staffing, student interest, and facility availability.

New Panel

Registration and Enrollment Process

  • Will Ala Notify Our Previous School We Are Transferring to ALA Johnston?
  • How Do I Apply for Admittance?
  • When Will Parents and Students Have Access to the Student Handbook?
  • What Should I Do if My Student Doesn’t Get in the Lottery?
  • When Will I Find Out if My Child Is Accepted at ALA Johnston?

Will Ala Notify Our Previous School We Are Transferring to ALA Johnston?

ALA does not notify the previous school the student is transferring to ALA Johnston. The families should visit or contact the previous school and notify them of the transfer.

How Do I Apply for Admittance?

You may apply for admittance through ALA Johnston’s website during the open enrollment period. At the close of the open enrollment period, a lottery will be held to determine students’ acceptance and enrollment into the school. Update- This lottery has happened. At this point, some grade levels have reached capacity and have a waiting list, and others grade levels are on a “first-come, first enrolled” basis.

When Will Parents and Students Have Access to the Student Handbook?

Currently, the Student Handbook is waiting for final revisions and Board approval. Once the Student Handbook has Board approval, the Handbook will be available on the school’s website.

What Should I Do if My Student Doesn’t Get in the Lottery?

Students who were accepted at the time of the Lottery were notified through email. Those families who were not accepted at the time of the Lottery received notification through email. Those families have been placed on waiting lists. As families come and go over the next few months, those families on the waiting list will be moved off the waiting list and placed in the school. At that time, families will be notified through email.

When Will I Find Out if My Child Is Accepted at ALA Johnston?

Now that the Lottery is over, grade levels with openings, those families are on a first-come, first enrolled basis. That placement notification will be through an email. The first initial acceptance emails have gone out. As families accept or decline their spot at ALA. the next set of acceptance emails is sent out. This process continues until all the spots are filled.

Masks and Vaccines

  • Will Students and Staff Be Required to Wear Masks and Be COVID Vaccinated?

Will Students and Staff Be Required to Wear Masks and Be COVID Vaccinated?

Until mandated by law, masks and COVID vaccines will be optional. We will follow the mandates set by the county and state.


  • Is Transportation Available?
  • Is There Busing and How Do I Get on the List?

Is Transportation Available?

Limited free transportation will be provided. The bus stops will be determined based on the location of students requesting transportation. These will be shuttles from one location to another rather than neighborhood pickups.

Is There Busing and How Do I Get on the List?

At registration, one of the fields needed on the application for completion was a question of whether bussing was needed. Once we know where most students live who have requested bussing, shuttle routes will be determined. Parents will be notified through email once students have been placed on a route or not.

Uniforms and Dress Code

  • Do ALA Johnston Students Wear Uniforms?
  • When Will We Be Able to Buy Uniforms?
  • What Is the Uniform for ALA Johnston?
  • How Do Parents Purchase School Uniforms?

Do ALA Johnston Students Wear Uniforms?

Yes, students in grades K-12 wear uniforms. *Parent-Student Handbook with additional details to be posted to the webpage soon.

When Will We Be Able to Buy Uniforms?

In the Spring, the link to the ALA Apparel shop will become active. It is through that link uniforms can be ordered. Each month, starting in March, we will have uniform nights which will allow families to try on sizes and select options before they order online. The events will be announced through emails and the school website.

What Is the Uniform for ALA Johnston?

Once the Student Handbook has finished its final revisions and is approved by the Board, there will be a link on the school’s website for the Handbook that has a detailed description of the dress code for ALA Johnston.

How Do Parents Purchase School Uniforms?

ALA Johnson will have embroidered polo shirts and screen Friday shirts available online through our apparel shop. We will notify parents once the online apparel shop is open. We also will have a few uniform evenings in the Spring so students can try on shirt sizes. We will also stock a limited supply of shirts in the front offices for in-person purchases once school starts.


  • Does ALA Johnston Offer a Hybrid or Distance Learning Option?
  • What Is ALA Johnston’s Instructional Model?
  • What Curriculum Is Used at ALA Johnston?
  • Are Specials/Electives Courses Offered?
  • Is Homework Assigned at ALA Johnston?
  • Is After-School Tutoring Offered?
  • What Is ALA Johnston’s Grading Scale?
  • How Are Grades Weighted at ALA Johnston?
  • What High School Diploma Tracks Does ALA Johnston Offer?
  • Are Career and College Promise (CCP) Courses Offered?
  • When Is R.A.I.S.E. Leadership Taught?
  • Will Students Have Access to Technology?
  • Does ALA Johnston Offer an Academic Gifted Program?
  • Does ALA Johnston Have an Intervention Program?
  • Will ALA Johnston Offer 504 and IEP Accommodations?
  • Will Students in K-6 Grades Have Recess Time?
  • How Will ALA Johnston Communicate With Families?
  • Will Students Take North Carolina State Assessments?
  • What Percent of ALA Johnston Teachers Will Be Certified?

Does ALA Johnston Offer a Hybrid or Distance Learning Option?

No. ALA Johnston provides a full-time in-person educational experience.

What Is ALA Johnston’s Instructional Model?

ALA Johnston’s instructional model is Direct Instruction complemented with Project-Based Learning. We believe that for an education to be transformational, it must be rigorous. At ALA Johnston we hold all students to high expectations and engage students in a rigorous curriculum.

What Curriculum Is Used at ALA Johnston?





Core Knowledge Sequence

Core Knowledge Language Arts

Core Knowledge History & Geography

Core Knowledge Science

Eureka Math

RAISE Leadership

Core Knowledge Sequence

Core Knowledge History & Geography

Pearson Language Arts

Realms of Gold


Eureka Math

RAISE Leadership

Core Knowledge Sequence

Pearson/Savvas History (7th)

HMH History (8th)


Realms of Gold


Eureka Math

RAISE Leadership

Holt Elements of Literature

Realms of Gold

CK-12 Science

HMH History

Eureka Math

Dave Ramsey Financial Literacy

Elevate Entrepreneurship

RAISE Leadership

Are Specials/Electives Courses Offered?

Yes, at the K-6 level, students will participate in a rotation of PE, Music, Art, Technology and Leadership. At the 7-12 level a variety of electives will be offered in Physical Fitness, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, and more!

Is Homework Assigned at ALA Johnston?

Yes, at the K-6 level, homework is assigned Monday-Thursday and typically consists of an assignment in Language Arts and Math, as well as reading for 20 minutes. Students will write down their homework in a daily planner which is expected to be shared with and signed by a parent/guardian every evening. At the 7-12 level, homework is assigned Monday-Thursday and will vary by course. Occasionally, homework may be assigned on Friday.

All students are expected to submit their completed homework assignments the following day or on the due date provided by the teacher.

Is After-School Tutoring Offered?

Yes, teachers will provide weekly tutoring sessions based on student needs.

What Is ALA Johnston’s Grading Scale?

ALA Johnston uses a traditional, 10-point grading scale.




GPA Honors

89.5% -100%




79.5% -89.4%




69.5% -79.4%








Below 59.5%





W or W/D



Pass / Fail




How Are Grades Weighted at ALA Johnston?

K-6 Grading Weights

• 50% Assessments/Quizzes

• 40% Classwork

• 10% Homework

7-12 Grading Weights for Core Classes

• 50% Assessments/Quizzes

• 20% Final

• 20% Classwork

• 10% Homework

7-12 Grading Weights for PE and Fine Arts Classes

• 50% Combined Homework/Classwork

• 30% Assessments/Quizzes

• 20% Final

What High School Diploma Tracks Does ALA Johnston Offer?

ALA Johnston offers Standard, Honors, and STEM diplomas.

Are Career and College Promise (CCP) Courses Offered?

Through ALA Johnston’s partnership with nearby colleges, students in grades 9-12 may take college-level courses which can be applied towards high school graduation credit requirements.

When Is R.A.I.S.E. Leadership Taught?

RAISE Leadership lessons are taught once per week. However, RAISE is incorporated into everything we do. RAISE is embedded into every lesson and is referenced and practiced throughout the day, every day.

Will Students Have Access to Technology?

All students will have access to a Chromebook when needed. Chromebooks will stay on campus and will NOT be sent home for daily use. The use of the Chromebooks is limited to benchmark testing, state testing, and specific classroom assignments. Most classwork, homework, and assignments will be completed by hand.

Does ALA Johnston Offer an Academic Gifted Program?

Yes, the Gifted program starts in 2nd grade. Students are identified for the program through a referral process and by taking the CogAT. Students may be referred for testing once per year and testing will take place in the Fall and Spring of each year.

Students who qualify for the program will participate in a Gifted class two days per week with a Gifted Teacher for approximately 40 minutes. In class, the students will engage in projects that are designed to further develop and apply their understanding of grade-level content.

Does ALA Johnston Have an Intervention Program?

Our primary focus is one highly effective Tier 1 instruction, which reduces the need to rely on intervention programs. However, additional support, when needed, will be provided to students by classroom teachers in a variety of ways including adjusting instruction and reteaching, small group instruction, and tutoring. Additionally, Exceptional Student Services will be available for those students who qualify.

Will ALA Johnston Offer 504 and IEP Accommodations?

For both 504s and IEPs, accommodations will follow the existing 504 or IEP.

Will Students in K-6 Grades Have Recess Time?

K-3rd grades

15-minute morning recess
15-minute lunch
15-minute lunch recess
15-minute afternoon recess

4th-6th grades

Will have either 15-minute morning or 15-minute afternoon recess
15-minute lunch
15-minute lunch recess

How Will ALA Johnston Communicate With Families?

School communication will typically be sent to families through PowerSchool, by email, and/or by phone. Teacher communication should be on a weekly basis.

Will Students Take North Carolina State Assessments?

Yes, this will include the Beginning-of-Grade 3, Grade 3 Read to Achieve (RTA), ECOs, and EOGs.

What Percent of ALA Johnston Teachers Will Be Certified?

At a minimum, 50% of ALA Johnston teachers will be certified.

Frequently Asked Questions - American Leadership Academy | Tuition-Free PK-12 Charter Schools (2024)


What is the ranking of American Leadership Academy? ›

American Leadership Academy 2024 Rankings

American Leadership Academy is ranked #9,101 in the National Rankings.

What are the values of the Leadership Academy? ›


What is the mission statement of the American Leadership Academy? ›

Mission Statement

American Leadership Academy partners with families to provide comprehensive educational experiences, character development through leadership, and individualized student learning for college and career readiness.

Is American Leadership Academy a private school? ›

American Leadership Academy (ALA) is a K-12 tuition free public charter school located in Spanish Fork, Utah.

What is the purpose of a leadership academy? ›

We provide and can customize professional learning that develops culturally responsive leaders equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to advance equity, including reflecting on their personal equity journey, defining and observing culturally responsive instruction, and building school and family coalitions.

What are the 5 qualities of a good leader? ›

5 Characteristics Every Good Leader Should Have
  • Decisiveness. The ability to make decisions, particularly when under pressure, is an important skill to master. ...
  • Trustworthiness. ...
  • Empowerment of others. ...
  • Clear communication. ...
  • Resilience.

What are the key skills of leadership? ›

8 key leadership skills you need to know about:
  • Relationship building.
  • Agility and adaptability.
  • Innovation and creativity.
  • Employee motivation.
  • Decision-making.
  • Conflict management.
  • Negotiation.
  • Critical Thinking.

What are the 7 leadership qualities of great leaders? ›

Here are seven qualities of good leaders:
  • Self-aware.
  • Collaborative.
  • Passionate.
  • Open-minded.
  • Agile, Adaptable, and Flexible.
  • Empowering, Motivating.
  • Innovative.

How many American Leadership Academy are there? ›

American Leadership Academy Inc. contains 11 schools and 10,997 students. The district's minority enrollment is 40%.

Who is the founder of American Leadership Academy? ›

ALA's current district needs are fulfilled by Charter One, an education management company, which was founded in 2017 by SGW Holdings, LLC (owned by Glenn Way).

When did American Leadership Academy start? ›

American Leadership Academy was founded in 2009, based on our mission to provide the best educational experience to as many students as possible in a moral and wholesome environment.

How much does it cost to go to the Black leadership Academy? ›

Cost and Payment. The full year of Black Leadership Academy will cost $350 per participant. Upon registering, there will be an option to submit a monthly payment of $35. If you are not able to meet the cost of BLA, there will be an option to request a scholarship.

How much does it cost to go to the New Village leadership Academy? ›

New Village Academy served organic meals to students, and laptops were made available to all students. The school encouraged parental involvement and restricted access to television. Tuition was approximately $22,500 per year to attend the school, and 80% of the students would receive financial assistance.

Does American Leadership Academy provide transportation? ›

With our trained and State Certified drivers, you can feel confident sending your child to school on the bus. Transportation requests are submitted through the enrollment application.

What is the ranking of UPR in the US? ›

University of Puerto Rico—Rio Piedras' ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #320. Its in-state tuition and fees are $5,324; out-of-state tuition and fees are $2,168. University of Puerto Rico—Rio Piedras is a public institution that was founded in 1903.

What is the name of the top military academy in the US? ›

West Point consistently ranks as a top academic institution, known for its rigorous academic programs and a strong emphasis on leadership development. It boasts an impressive 7:1 student-to-faculty ratio, ensuring personalized attention and mentorship for all cadets.

What is the ranking of the One Academy? ›

The One Academy's Ranking & Reputation

The One Academy was ranked 7th by Animation Career Review (ACR) in the 'Top 25 International Animation Training Programs - 2021 School Rankings'.


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.