Intel AX210 in Blade 14 (2023) | Razer Insider (2025)

Just curious if anybody has tried swapping the Qualcomm card for an Intel Ax210 in a 2023 Blade 14 and, if so, what result. I gave it a shot, but the OS only recognized the Bluetooth module, not the Wi-Fi module, even after driver install. Seems an odd outcome to me…

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Same issue for me. Really weird….

Hi guys!

Hi guys! Thanks for posting your concerns here in the Support board. I would love to look into this, please PM me the serial number of your laptop so I can verify its model and help you raise your concern to the relevant team for advanced resolution. Thank you!

Also tried this, same result

Cannot confirm for Blade 14 (2023); However, I can confirm the Intel AX210 M.2 WIFI and BT work well in the Razer Blade 14 (2022) in Windows 11 and ArchLinux/Manjaro.

Reference hardware (28 Aug 2023)

AX210NGW WiFi Card:

Razer Blade 14 2023

System Model Blade 14 - RZ09-0482
Intel Wifi AX210NGW

Tested both on Windows 11 and Linux Fedora 38.

Only Bluetooth, usb, is recognized.

Wifi, which should be on pci, is not detected at all.

In linux dmesg reports only spurious errors on pci-e.

Hi, has anyone found a solution for this or is razer not playing nice by blocking the use of the hardware?

Ironically my razer blade 14 2021 has an Intel ax 210 installed from the factory so I know the card works with AMD & razer. I assumed the Qualcomm chip would be fine, but wow it's horrendous. Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Same behavior here with the ax210 and Blade 14 2023. I would expect this from the Intel only ax211 but the ax210 should definitely be compatible. The card does have a different cutout in the PCI interface, but I'm not sure why or if that would matter. Disappointing.

Has anyone found an Intel network adapter that works with the 2023 Razer Blade 14? The stock Qualcomm adapter has been problematic for me with detection and wifi speed problems.

searching and searching and so far no luck. I suspect it’s something Razer did in the BIOS to prevent the intel cards. My 2021 Razer 14 (with an AMD Chip) came stock with the AX 210 and it works amazing. It blows my mind I can’t swap that card into my 2023 14.

I’ve never used a wifi card as bad as the qualcomm before.

I am in the same boat. Has anyone found a suitable replacement card for the horrendous qualcom one? The bluetooth on this chip is terrible! I am trying to plug my laptop into my TV and play from my couch, but I literally cant get the controller more than 4 feet from my laptop with out it spazzing out.

I bought a razer key from GLOBAL from Gaming4you (92000095987268)but the code were already used

I bought a razer key from GLOBAL from Gaming4you (92000095987268)but the code were already used I could not use the card anymore please someone should help me out

Intel AX210 in Blade 14 (2023) | Razer Insider (1)

I am also having the same issues with the AX210. I need some sort of replacement, because the Qualcomm card is extremely unstable. Every other time I turn on my PC, the bluetooth audio will get rediculously choppy

Sadly I am still in the hunt for a replacement card. I suspect there's something in the bios preventing us from using other compatible cards. The insane part is razer used the ax210 in my 2021 blade 14 (with AMD) so it's possible.

I read of a similar thing that someone was facing with their HP Machine

Has anyone found any other cards that are compatible? The Qualcomm card it comes with is straight up not good.

I’ve ordered an AX1675 asitdoesn’t useCNVio2. Will let you all know if it works.

The AX1675 did not work

Thanks for reporting back though I was afraid of that. Looks like the ax1675 is basically a rebadged ax210ngw, which also should work but doesn't for some reason...dammit.

Hi all - just thought I’d add my 10C here, have just RMA’d my 2023 blade 14 here in europe. It was away for a month(!) and imagine they replaced the PCB (or at least they said they did) with the bluetooth card too. Long story short it has just arrived back and has EXACTLY the same issue with bluetooth disconnecting intermittently. Definitely a card issue and on the hunt for a replacement but no luck yet.

Hi all - thought I would add a further update here as I (may) have found a fix, at least for the terrible bluetooth. In frustration I downloaded a program ‘driver booster’ that identified the qualcomm driver (from 2023) was out of date, this was not acknowledged when I went through device manager and asked to ‘check latest driver version’.

The driver that driver booster updated was dated15/04/2024 and version2.0.0.1169, of note the name of the adapter in device manager has now changed to ‘Qualcomm FastConnect 6900 Bluetooth Adapter’. This seems to have fixed the intermittent bluetooth connection issues, for now!

Intel AX210 in Blade 14 (2023) | Razer Insider (2025)


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