Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (2024)

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This Irish Soda Bread is made with whole grain spelt flour and sweetened with coconut sugar and raisins. Perfect anytime and especially for St. Patrick's Day.

Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (1)

Just another 2 weeks and St. Patrick's Day is here. Is it just me or is this year just flying by in a whirlwind?

I have to say, Olivia is keeping me busier than ever before. So I squeezed in her 7-months picture update on Instagram just before the next month's update will be due already.

Before you know it, it will already be time for Easter! Woahh... Hold your horses! How about the Irish holiday first. Konrad and I have absolutely no Irish roots whatsoever. No wonder that my last St. Patrick's Day themed post was 3 (!) years ago. Back then I was still into cake/cupcake decorating. So if you are into edible crafts, check it out here.

This year, I finally felt like contributing an Irish recipe in time for the holiday. Actually, a little online research shows there is some controversy around the Irish authenticity of soda bread.

Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (2)

Irish Soda Bread... Irish Soda Cake?

Especially this lightly sweetened version with butter, egg and raisins. I've even read some claiming this needs to be called a cake rather than a bread.

But then I just think of banana bread, which is much more cake-like than this Irish soda bread. And Irish Soda Cake just doesn't jive as much. So bread it is.

At the beginning of this year, I re-committed to healthier eating and as a result I have avoided refined sugar and flour as much as possible. For this bread recipe, I experimented with spelt flour for the first time. Spelt is an ancient grain related to wheat but not the same.

Spelt Flour - Less Calories, More Protein Than Wheat Flour

Spelt flour is a whole grain flour with a nutty, slightly sweet flavor profile. It has moreprotein, fewer calories, but also less fiber than wheat flour. Which also makes it easier to digest. It caneasily be substituted for wheat flour, especially in cookie and bread recipes.

With spelt flour, it is even more important to avoid over-mixing (especially in quick breads like this Irish soda bread), as its gluten will easily break down and you risk a crumbly texture (source).

Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (3)

Using Coconut Sugar for Color

Instead of granulated white sugar, I used coconut sugar. It won't impart any coconut flavor, but it gives the bread a nice color. Alternatively, you could also use an unrefined liquid sweetener, like maple syrup or honey, and add it together with the other liquid ingredients. Just keep in mind to reduce the buttermilk amount, in order to keep the ratio of liquid to dry ingredients in balance.

The method of preparing this Irish soda bread reminded me of scone making (only that most scones are a little sweeter still and cut into wedges). After whisking together the dry ingredients, butter is rubbed into the flour mix.Extra dishes to wash are my nemesis, so I just used my fingers. But you could also use a pastry blender, fork, a couple of knives or even a food processor for this step.

Then the raisins are stirred in, and the beaten egg and buttermilk are added. Start with 1 cup of buttermilk and add more only if needed to make a cohesive dough. You really don't want to over-mix the dough. So just stir it with a wooden spoon and then pat into a circular shape.

Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (4)

Cut an X Into the Top and Eat Within 2 Days

I baked my bread in a cast iron skillet but any other (lightly greased) baking pan will do, too. It might take a little longer in cast iron.

Another important step with soda bread, is to cut a deep X into the top. Folklore says this is to let the fairies escape. But essentially this just helps distribute heat more evenly into the center.

I love the fresh slices of bread slathered with a little butter (and sometimes even a sprinkle of cinnamon). Like pretty much all baked goods, this Irish Soda Bread tastes best within the first 2 day of baking.

Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (5)

Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (6)

Irish Soda Bread with Spelt Flour

5 from 2 votes

This Irish Soda Bread is made with whole grain spelt flour and sweetened with coconut sugar and raisins. Perfect anytime and especially for St. Patrick's Day.

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 40 minutes mins

Total Time 50 minutes mins

Course Breakfast

Cuisine Irish

Servings 1 bread loaf (approx. 2 lbs)


  • 4 cups spelt flour
  • 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup butter cut into small pieces
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1 egg lightly beaten
  • 1 ¼ - 1 ½ cups buttermilk


  • Preheat oven to 400 F. Lightly grease a 8 or 9-inch cast iron skillet or cake pan.

  • Whisk together spelt flour, coconut sugar, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Rub butter into the flour mix with your fingers. Alternatively you could use a pastry blender, fork, a couple of knives or even a food processor to cut the butter into the flour. Stir in raisins.

  • Make a well and add beaten egg and 1 cup buttermilk. Stir with a wooden spoon and slowly add more buttermilk - only as much as needed to form a cohesive dough. Do not over mix. It should be a loose, shaggy dough.

  • Turn dough out onto a floured surface and pat/form into a ball shape. Place into prepared pan and cut a deep X into the top.

  • Bake bread for 35-45 minutes. Tent with aluminum foil if the top is getting too dark at the end. Test with a toothpick or skewer to ensure bread is baked through.

  • Cool in pan for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Bread is best enjoyed within the first 2 days.


Recipe adapted from Simply Recipes

Keyword Irish Soda Bread

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Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (7)

Similar Recipes to Prepare

Like this fabulous Irish Soda Bread, these other recipes use flour in fun and exciting ways!

  1. Coconut Flour Zucchini Muffins
  2. Coconut Flour Banana Bread
  3. Homemade Teething Biscuits
  4. Rye Sourdough Starter
  5. No Knead Sourdough Bread

Random Questions

What is special about Irish soda bread?

Irish soda bread is distinctive for its use of baking soda as a leavening agent, creating a dense, moist texture. It often includes raisins or currants for a touch of sweetness.

How does Irish soda bread work?

Irish soda bread rises through a reaction between the acidic buttermilk and the alkaline baking soda, creating carbon dioxide gas. This process allows the bread to expand and develop a light texture.

What's the difference between Irish bread and Irish soda bread?

Traditional Irish bread typically refers to yeast-risen bread, while Irish soda bread is leavened with baking soda. The soda bread has a denser texture and is quicker to prepare.

Should you toast Irish soda bread?

Toasting Irish soda bread can enhance its flavor and provide a delightful crispness. It's a great way to enjoy leftover or slightly stale soda bread.

Irish Spelt Flour Soda Bread Recipe » LeelaLicious (2024)


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